T-Machinery, Ratíškovice
Purist idealized industrial form with aesthetical visual qualities. The base for the form generation was circulated (rotated) move – dynamic machine linear move – transformed to sun linear move. Project began according input data, which limited the spatial design procession. The volume issued from...
Stock extension Amicus / Dostavba skladu Amicus,Skalica
Architecture issues from several factors that influences final look of the building. Wrong site, conditions with correlation of traffic axis determinates floor plan. Sharp angles supports dynamic and slabs its lightness. From existing building is designed volume separated and independend.
New Diesel,Senica
The project was solving problems of construction for ecological distillation process in building New Diesel Senica. Design was focused to construction attributes for the technological space of part I. Hand in hand with processing diagram (F.Juzek) steel technology platform was designed. The...
Mill Jelinek / Výrobný závod Jelínek, Vizovice
Project is situated to production area in Czech famous factory Jelinek. Jelinek factory produces liquors made from plums. Site was limited by border limits and protection area of railway line. Conceptually is design integrated to the end of the production process. Liquors are stocked and shipping...
Heating plant Chemosvit / Tepláreň Chemosvit
Design is functionally purist. Completely follows function and is influenced by technology. Big box wraps huge steam motors which are producing electricity and heat. A part of technological „bowels“ are energy transformations, heat exchangers, matrix etc. Big air-condition pipes goes...