
2007: 1st prize of the competition T-Machinery for the project Factory in Ratíškovice

          1cena v súťaži na dielo Výrobný závod T-Machinery, Ratíškovice

2006: 1st prize of the competition Dera food technology for the project Extension of factory in Brno

          1cena v súťaži na projekt dostavba závodu Dera, Brno

2005: Award PRO THEORY award: supported by SAS for the research of
          Topographical Manipulations with Endless Topological Surface

          Cena Pro Teória za dielo Topografické manipulácie s nekonečným topologickým povrchom

2002: Award at the competition of Sport and Recreational Zone in Piestany(with.P.Korcek)

          Ocenenie v súťaži Športová a rekreačná zóna Piešťany

2001: 1st prize of Grand Prix, that was held under the patronage
          of the President of the Slovak Republic

          Hlavná cena Grand Prix za vzdelanosť (p.z.Prezidenta SR)

2001: Prize of the Dean of Faculty of Architecture

          Cena dekana Fakulty architektúry

2000: 3rd prize at the competition of Hebel Ltd. for the project of the Polyfunctional House in Sastín-Straze

          3cena v súťaži Hebel za projekt Polyfunkčný dom Šaštín-Stráže

2000: 1st prize of the Scientific Conference for the work called “Author and His Work”

          1cena za prácu "Autor a jeho dielo" na št.vedeckej konferencii

2000: 1st prize of the competition Future Millenium for the project of the Museum of Science

          and Technology in Bratislava (with. R.Kralovic)

          1cena za projekt Múzeum vedy a techniky Bratislava v súťaži Future Millenium

1999: Award at the Competition of Prof. Karfik for the project of the Planetarium in Bratislava

          Ocenenie v súťaži o cenu Prof.Karfíka za projekt Planetárium Bratislava

1998: Award of 1st Building Saving Bank for the project of the rational family house (with. R.Kralovic)

          Ocenenie 1.stavebnej sporiteľne za projekt Racionálny rodinný dom

1996: Honourable mention of Hebel Ltd. for the project of the flexible and economic family house

          čestné uznanie Hebel za projekt Flexibilný ekonomický dom







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