interiér a dizajn
Personalities garden / Záhrada osobností Senica
This design issues from the 3 dimensional diagram generates in computer according special programmed script developed by me. The program and at least the design was based on exact and non changeable data. In this case they are – date and place of the birth, date and place of the death, profession...
Vila H interior / Interiér vily H Senica
The interior was designed hand in hand to the spatial volume proposal. Open and growing form was reflected in indoor space. Connection of both primary attributes – indoor land and outdoor land was braked in the sense of borders. Solid walls was substituted by large glassed walls. The occupant is...
Labor office interior / Interiér úradu práce Senica
The proposal issues from new labor office programme expressed by Slovak Government in 2003. New increasing of employers at the District Authorities and stream territory showed new spatial needs in this area. Very fast adaptation led the local government to use old court room /auditorium/ for new...
Pedestrian system / Orientačný systém chodcov Senica
The proposal tries to find a new system of orientation in the city. The whole project consists of two segments: urban situation and signs. The urban location was developed according to the basic pedestrian swifts and their crossings and then reduced by limited budget. The signs were designed in the...
5Fingers / 5prstov Senica
The design was proposed as an interior study. City Hall as an investor wanted to implement local historical guider let´s say little museum into small auditorium. The question was - how to find relevant equiblirium between distinction of two different uses. City community is still impressed by...
Hejce memorial / Pamätník leteckej katastrofy,Hejce
This proposal is urban – architectural concept which issues from landscape topic and several layers mixing. During designing was used principle of primitive rectangular axis collaborations. 42 bells fo 42 souls – main topic implemented to the design. Inputs were added from airplane Antonov AN-24....
Priests memorial / Pamätník kňazom Senica
This design was completely based on Christian religion and symbolism. The memorial is going to be used for the memory of catholic priests who served in Senica or in this cadastre. The monument symbolizes a road of three priests in different historical periods. Three columns based on triangular...
Rain Drops / skulptúra Kvapky Chorvátsky Grob
The sculpture tried to be proposed as an artistic form with intelectual background. Drops were used as a start point of thinking. Rain or tear drop - common man see them as a smooth shape, but he doesn´t see any other consequences of the shape. Speed, density of the liquid, state of matter etc....
Bartoň memorial / Bartoňov pamätník Senica
Simply design follows investor´s needs. Existing memorial plate was necessarily to implement to the country. Therefore was designed cheap hanger, that tries to reflect Barton´s life.