Topographic growth / Topografický rast
Projekt offeriert eine interessante, neue Konzeption metropolitanen Lebens. Ähnlich historischen Stadtmodellen der gemischten Nutzung bietet das Projekt eine komprimierte programmatische Durchmischung von Funktionen an, was eine potentiell erhöhte Vielfalt an Lebensformen impliziert. Im Gegensatz...
Sport zone Piešťany / Športová zóna Piešťany
The jury´s comment: “The proposal has its own philosophy and professional solution. The entrance of the swimming pool is well integrated into existing city park. The volume of the design eliminates rush of neighbouring facilities. The ellipsed shape, filled mass, system of skylines, using terrain...
Triangula Sotiná
This design operates with existing topography and works with an earth surface. Face and the ground is modelled according to a programme and land requirements. The proposal brings to the city a new quality of the landscape. It is cracking and stretching the existing surface to give it a new...
4sport towers Senica / 4veže športu Senica
The new proposal works with an idea of a new volume addition. New multifunctional hall is going to be connected to the existing old sport centre TJ Zahoran. The entrance to the new complex was proposed by central passage as a spatial distance on one hand, and as a service connection of existing and...
Fluid city Senica / Tekuté mesto Senica
This design tries to solve a problem of functional changing of existing city health care range. At present the complex is like a barrier in the centre of the city at present. The design proposes new circulation flows at the border of existing park in a sense of new relation between city park and...
Center Velké Pavlovice / Centrum Velké Pavlovice
Project is trying to find new kind of new urban structure, which would be able to have independent live – to eliminate functionless flat planning. Concept follows an idea of wine cellars surrounded by Velke Pavlovice. Vineyards are one of the factor, which communicate with citizens....
Growth of Barcelona / Rast Barcelony
Basic inputs: sunlight, safe life, variable space, growth, self-organization Site: Barcelona, Spain, Europe Questions: How to make a high density living structure in a limited area. How to provide enough light to each living space. How to design a firm and anti-terrorist structure. How to...